The LiRA project is a proof-of-concept attempt to assess road conditions based on in-vehicle sensors on a city scale. The overall LiRA vision was to revolutionise the management of the road infrastructure by delivering a system that (i) uses car data for monitoring roads on a network level; and (ii) integrates with standard/existing measurement methods that are still employed for maintenance decisions.
The project was initiated in early 2019 (, with financial support from the Innovation Fund Denmark, with four partners:
- GreenMobility (GM), a car-sharing company operating a fleet of 400 Renault Zoe cars (100 % electric) within the greater Copenhagen area. Some of the GM cars were retrofitted with an IoT sensing platformthat collected readings from the native in-vehicle sensors, and also measured GPS location and 3D accelerations. These readings served as basis for the project.
- the Danish Road Directorate (DRD), a public authority responsible for operating, maintaining, and further developing the Danish highway network.
DRD owns and operates several specially built vehicles for measuring road conditions. These vehicles provide a reference condition assessment to that
inferred from the GMcars. - Sweco Denmark, a consulting company that owns, develops, and operates the current pavement management system for Copenhagen municipality. Thus, Sweco is the link for integrating the LiRA project outputs with an existing PavementManagement Systems.
- the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), responsible for database structuring and development ofmachine learning and physical models for data interpretation.